Greg Hawkins' sates (see the link below) the obvious, in the video link below. Although it is the obvious, I do respect that he puts it out on the internet for everyone to hopefully learn.
While in the Navy my wife and I had moved over ten times, and had been part of many congregations of various denominations. I also had the privilege to have led interdenominational services onboard ships. People either want to learn more about G-D or they don't. In order to learn you need to pray to G-D, read the scripture, and be part of a believing community.
Basically, this isn't rocket science and we (believers) really don't need to spend a lot of finances on something that we should already know.
Today's youth, above all, want and are searching for truth. Not mine, nor yours, but THE truth. The only truth that exists is G-D's W-RD. If people want entertained then we shouldn't be sending a message that G-D is nothing more then theater at its best. G-D is the Creator of the Universe, and is to be revered and honored as L-RD of lords and K-NG of kings and not someone we amuse ourselves toward.
In time, after years of further research on this subject, and tens of millions of dollars spent there will be a video and book series stating that simplicity is the key.
Maybe the Messiah had something when he went into the wilderness for forty days without flash, glitz, and powerpoint; just G-D breathed scripture?
Deut 6:4-9
"4 Hear, O Israel: the L-RD our G-D is one L-RD: 5 and thou shalt love the L-RD thy G-D with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might..."
Matt 4:4
4Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."(NIV)
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