Here’s a thought: if G-D wanted us to have tomorrow’s bread today, it wouldn’t really be tomorrow’s bread, would it? It would be today’s bread. G-D is the creator of the Universe, and all mankind; can He not take care of us? Why would he have to give us tomorrow’s anything? Doesn’t He feed the birds of the air, and clothe the flowers of the field? Doesn’t G-D say, “don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself”? In Matt 6:34 the Greek word used here is “aurion” the word for tomorrow. To interpret the L-RD’s prayer by saying “Give us tomorrow’s bread today” would contradict what G-D says in the entire chapter of Matthew 6.
I would suggest Matthew 6:11 literally states: Give us this day, and the ensuing day, and the day after that forevermore through eternity our bread. Keeping in mind the passages of John 14:1-4 & Matthew 26:29.
What G-D is trying to say is that this contract (our prayer and relationship with Him) is not only for a single day, or for tomorrow, but is a contract to provide bread for us through eternity. By praying we are seeking the righteousness of G-D and His Kingdom; we are reminded that G-D is in charge, and He is in control.
Once again, we should look first to G-D’s Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to us. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. Matthew 6:33-34
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