Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Wave of Faith

With every breath I take,
I take in faith;
For it's You who sustains me.
With every step I take,
I take in faith;
For it's You who sustains me.
With every grasp I take,
I take in faith;
For it's You who sustains me.

Oh glorify You, Mighty G-D,
Oh glorify You, L-RD;
For You are the Great I AM.

With every word that I speak,
I speak in faith;
For it's Your Spirit that indwells me.
With every prayer I utter,
I utter in faith;
For it's Your Spirit that dwells in me.
With every praise I proclaim,
I proclaim in faith;
For it's Your Spirit that indwells me.

Oh I praise You, G-D.

Author: Ask


Andrew J. Booth said...

I really like this.

Surf.Thoughts said...


It as well as many others were written while deployed overseas .... I write poetry .... in fact ... I'm in the middle of another one now ...